Report of the fourth international meeting held at WHO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 19-20 November 2014

Published by
The World Health Organisation.
Key messages from the report include:
- Achieving a world free from dog-mediated human rabies by 2030 is feasible with current tools and increased investment, as demonstrated by recent rabies success stories.
- However, other endemic zoonoses such as echinococcus have a low political profile, attract scant investment and are unlikely to achieve their 2020 target.
Parasitic Zoonoses
- The NZD community is sufficiently ‘tool ready’ to commence control of fishborne trematodes and Taenia solium cysticercosis. Now it is time to evaluate and validate these integrated and cost?effective programmes so that strategies are put in place to achieve the WHO NTD roadmap targets.
- Mongolia has successfully implemented programmes for brucellosis control through a ‘One Health’ approach, but experience also shows that diminishing financial resources could put human and animal lives at risk once again.
- The emergence of brucellosis during the current war in the Syrian Arab Republic has illustrated the importance of conflict as a driver for the emergence of such a disease as people rely more on their animals for sustenance.
Financing for NZDs
- A paradigm shift is required from financing ‘inputs’ to financing ‘outcomes’.
- Greater funding innovation is required; for example Development Impact Bonds (DIBs) where the investment ‘risk’ is taken up by the private sector rather than the public purse.
The 4th International meeting on the control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases was held from 19th-20th November 2014 and was hosted by WHO, OIE, FAOTripartite, ADVANZ, ICONZ
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The politics of zoonoses understanding and response
Seven new working papers from the STEPS-led Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium consider understandings around ecosystems and health as they relate to four zoonoses in five countries in Africa.
The papers investigate how understandings around ecosystems and health are always positioned and partial, deriving from people’s experiences, backgrounds, institutional positions and political-economic interests. Thus issues, dynamics and risks are always seen to be ‘framed’, and open to diverse representations and interpretations. These framings often take the form of ‘narratives’ about problems and possible interventions which drive and justify different intervention and responses – which in turn shape the dynamics of disease and so consequences for poverty and wellbeing.

High-Level Technical Meeting to Address Health Risks
at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces
Mexico City, Mexico, 15-17 November 2011
Published by
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
and The World Organisation for Animal Health
and The World Health Organisation.
Main Outcomes:
Key supporting elements:
- Political will and high-level commitment
- Trust
- Common objectives and priorities
- Shared benefits
- Strong governance structures, aligned legal frameworks, and recognition of existing international standards
- Adequate and equitably distributed resources
- Identification and involvement of all relevant partners
- Coordinated planning of activities
- Guidance on implementation of cross-sectoral collaborations
- Capacity development
- Strong and effective health systems within the individual sectors
Key operational elements:
- Joint cross-sectoral coordination mechanisms
- Routine communication
- Joint simulation exercises
- Data sharing
- Joint risk assessment
- Active cooperation on disease control programmes
These Key Elements are intended to be used by countries (and regions) which consider adopting cross sectoral approaches
to address their priority health issues at the human-animal ecosystems interface. They have already been used to facilitate
practical discussion during regional One Health meetings recently held in Bali Indonesia and Libreville Gabon.
Next Steps:
- Develop and deliver clear messages
- Develop a clear plan for building cross-sectoral approaches into existing standards and tools and investing in
existing systems
- Define and describe costs and benefits of cross-sectoral approaches
We hope these Next Steps might be useful to you in considering next steps in your own activities.
Download the Report here: FAO OIE WHO HLTM final report
ASEAN Cooperation on Animal Health and Zoonoses: Avian Influenza and Beyond
ASEAN now possesses an HPAI/OH working group and has multiplied high-level declarations on the need to support
the approach (April 2010). On 23 October 2010 in Phnom Penh, ASEAN ministers of Agriculture agreed on a
statement on “ASEAN Cooperation on Animal Health and Zoonoses: Avian Influenza and Beyond”.
A regional coordination mechanism on zoonoses is being set up.
See the ASEAN Ministerial Statement on the ASEAN website
Community-based interventions for prevention and control
Report of the third conference held at the WHO headquarters in Geneva,
23-24 November 2010
Organized with ICONZ, DFID-RIU, Gates Foundation, SOS, EU, TDR and FAO
with the participation of ILRI and OIE
This report attempts to present the various issues, problems and challenges,
against the backdrop of the many inspiring control programmes that were
presented. Again and again these programmes demonstrated how the NZDs are
not so much re-emerging as rediscovered – once a concerted effort is made to
find and treat patients – and how both control and prevention rely on involving
and inspiring the animal keeping communities where they prevail.
The report can be downloaded in PDF format from the WHO website.
This edition of Ecohealth has a special feature with editorial and six papers on One Health, all of which are open-access.
The papers can be accessed via
A Framework for Sustaining Momentum

The United Nations/World Bank 5th Global Progress Report on Animal and Pandemic
Influenza provides a comprehensive analysis of avian influenza and other animal and
pandemic diseases, analyzes financial and technical assistance, draws lessons from
preparedness campaigns and explores the One Health approach for improved
coordination between the animal, human and environmental health disciplines.
The report presents a ‘Framework for Sustaining Momentum’ which identifies
streams of work and suggestions for future efforts at national, regional and global levels.
The report also incorporates a record of discussions and key outcomes from the April
2010 International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza (IMCAPI) in
This 5th Global Progress Report should serve as a useful resource for national, regional
and global efforts to sustain momentum with animal and pandemic influenza.
Other languages available on the website.
Study on the Gender Aspects of the Avian Influenza Crisis in Southeast Asia
The links between livestock and poultry production and gender are well known,
but whether the avian influenza crisis has important gender implications, is a
question that has yet to be systematically examined. Beyond the simple view that
women are more affected by the AI crisis since they are the ones directly involved
in the care and handling of poultry particularly in small-scale backyard production
is a more complex reality that needs to be better understood and analysed.
This sets the rationale for this study on gender aspects in the avian influenza crisis.
The study primarily aims to analyse and compare the gender dimensions of avian
influenza in three affected Southeast Asian countries: Thailand, Vietnam and Laos,
and will draw common lessons and conclusions that can serve as planning references
for other similar Asian countries. It would shed light on the socio-economic aspects
of AI in relation to gender equity, the differential impact on the livelihoods of women
and men poultry raisers, and the vulnerability of women’s social and economic position.
Meeting report in PDF format
Hanoi Declaration
The Hanoi Declaration proposes a multi-sector array of national measures to keep a look out for new diseases that may
cross from animals to humans and to deploy public health measures promptly against outbreaks. It calls for focused action
at the interface between human, animal and environmental health systems, as well as continued efforts to reduce the extent
of H5N1 and H1N1.
The Declaration recognizes the necessity for continuing and strengthening international and regional cooperation against
diseases for which there may be no human immunity and which can cross borders in a matter of days. It emphasizes the
need for effective communication between professionals and public, community engagement, and for strengthened public
health and veterinary systems.
The Declaration crystallizes results of discussions between delegates in Hanoi at the 20 to 21 April International Ministerial
Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza, hosted by the Government of Viet Nam, and co-organized with the United
States and the European Union, in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World
Health Organization (WHO), the World Organization for Animal Health, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and
the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
See the Hanoi Declaration on the UN Avian Influenza and the Pandemic website
Interagency Meeting on
Planning the Prevention and Control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases (NZDs)

This meeting was held in Geneva, 5–6 July 2011. Among the topics discussed were existing
and future plans for neglected zoonotic diseases and research priorities. A draft roadmap for
integrated prevention and control of high-priority zoonoses and possible sources of funding
was compiled.
Report in PDF format.
One World, One Health – From Ideas to Action
The Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) Centre for Food-borne, Environmental
and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CFEZID) hosted the One World One Health™ 1
Expert Consultation in Winnipeg, Manitoba, from March 16-19, 2009.
The following key recommendations emerged over the course of the consultation.
• Foster political will;
• Support partnership and collaboration;
• Encourage data sharing and integration;
• Build capacity (infrastructure and skills);
• Develop communication strategies/plans;
• Provide incentives for reporting adverse events;
• Encourage stakeholder and community engagement;
• Develop supra-country approaches.
Full report in PDF Format.
Outcome and Impact Assessment of the Global Response to the Avian Influenza Crisis

This independent assessment of the outcomes and impact of the global
response to avian influenza (GRAI) addresses the following questions:
- (i) What are the verifiable outcomes of the GRAI and do they go beyond the objectives
- of the GRAI?
- (ii) What impacts are likely to be observed as a consequence of the GRAI, on the
prevalence and distribution of avian and pandemic influenza (API), on the risk of
a human pandemic arising from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI due to
the virus A(H5N1)) and on its effect on other emerging and re-emerging
diseases (EIDs)?
- (iii) How do these impacts relate to the inputs made by the European Commission?
Report in PDF Format.
Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Disease Framework 2010-2015
Australia plays a lead role in the international effort to address emerging infectious
diseases like avian and pandemic influenza in the Asia Pacific region.
The new Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases Framework 2010-2015 has been
developed to guide the Australian Government’s international development assistance in
this area over the next five years. It builds on achievements under the previous
Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases Strategy 2006-2010.
Download Summary in PDF format.
People, Pathogens and our planet : the economics of one health
This study aims to provide information on the costs of the various functions and categories of
expenditure involved in the establishment and operation of system for the prevention and
control of emerging zoonotic diseases at country and global level. It will also seek to provide
information on efficiency and effectiveness gains that will result from the introduction of a One
Health approach.
Target audiences: Project Planners and Policy Planners
Produced by: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank
Report in PDF format or see website for translations.
Towards a Safer World -An initiative to capture and apply
the lessons of pandemic preparedness
Pandemic preparedness is most vital at the household and community-level. This topic examines the information and
resources for and from NGOs and other Community-based organizations such as National Societies, women’s unions and
faith-based organizations.
Find out more on the Towards a Safer World website.
USAID – Emerging Pandemic Threats
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is launching an Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT)
program that builds on the successes of the Agency’s long-standing programs in disease surveillance, training, and
outbreak response, particularly those addressing avian and pandemic influenza. The focus of the EPT program is to pre-
empt or combat, at their source, newly emerging diseases of animal origin that could threaten human health.
For more information about USAID, please visit their website.
Zonootic Diseases: A Guide to Establishing Collaboration between Animal and
Human Health Sectors at the Country Level
This is a joint publication between WHO/WPRO, WHO/SEARO, FAO and OIE.
The purpose of the guide is to assist countries and areas in achieving
sustainable and functional collaboration between animal and human
health sectors, which is crucial to addressing the challenges posed by
endemic, emerging and re-emerging zoonoses.
PDF Format
2008, 19 pages, ISBN 139789290613992