This preparatory study contained 10 case studies:
1: Community Based Avian Influenza Risk Reduction Program
2: Swiss National Antibiotic Research Programme (NRP) Antibiotic Resistance
3: Communication Influencing Behaviour Change, Vietnam
4: Chars Livelihoods Programme, Bangladesh
5: Controlling Rabies in Bali, Indonesia
6: Healthy Food Market (INSPAI), Indonesia
7: Controlling Hydatid Disease, Nepal
8: Controlling Q-fever outbreaks, Netherlands
9: Control of food-borne Salmonella in the EU
10: The Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance (HAIRS) Group
Further details on each case study can be found in the September 2011 report:
How to set-up a common basis for action and exchange of experience (PDF).
A Policy Perspective – Taking stock and shaping an implementation roadmap (March 2010) report contains three case studies:
A compendium of Case Studies from Veterinarians without Borders
(April 2010)
Case Studies from: