One Health Global Network

Second International Congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI)


Sep 13


One Health for Sustainable Development




Date: 14th-17th Aug 2013
Location: Summerville Resort Hotel, Porto De Galinhas, Brazil


Congress Thematic Areas:

  1. One Health Meta-Leadership in Action
  2. Vector-borne Zoonoses and Impact on Public Health
  3. Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Role of Wildlife
  4. Drug Development and Antimicrobial Resistance
  5. Food-borne and Water-borne Diseases
  6. Genomics and Rapid Pathogen Detection Systems
  7. Parasitic Zoonoses and Environment
  8. Immunology and Vaccine Development

Important Dates
User registration and on-line abstract submission open on December 1, 2012.
More information will  be available from:

In the meantime please see the 2011 conference page: